Let's connect
Let's connect
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Boost developer experience and productivity

Create a frictionless development environment to deliver quality software faster

Your needs met with our know-how

Monolithic repositories with Bazel

Streamline your build processes by reducing build times and increasing development speed.

IDE integration with JetBrains

Enhance productivity and streamline development workflows with seamless JetBrains IDE integration.

Developer tooling

Empower your developers with robust tooling for efficient, high-quality code creation and optimization.

Create a positive developer experience for improved productivity

Free developers from managing an unsupportive environment, and add more value to their projects.

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Improve the usability of all elements in a technology or a product stack

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Automate to reduce human error and high toil

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Adapt faster whenever your project’s parameters evolve

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Increase satisfaction levels and boost your talent retention rate

Benefit from a frictionless development environment

Everything you need to take advantage of improved developer experience.

Strategy and consulting

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  • Developer experience and tooling strategy
  • Discover how DX and tooling can benefit your organisation
  • Generate qualitative insights from across your entire toolchain
  • Enable teams to work efficiently within limited resources

Business and technology delivery

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  • Abstract developers from the complexity of infrastructure
  • Implement measures to identify points of friction
  • Identify and integrate optimal tools into workflow
  • Tooling improvements for teams that utilize: monorepositories, IDEs, compiler integrations, build tools, process automations, and specific languages

Innovation and knowledge sharing

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  • Work closely with developers on DX strategy and process bottlenecks
  • DX in support of innovation and high-quality solution delivery
  • Implement effective processes and best practices
  • Streamline new developer onboarding
  • Shorten time to productivity

Building a better developer experience

We ensure smooth, end-to-end developer processes to maximize productivity.

The technologies we use are

Frameworks and tools


Platforms and infrastructure


Programming languages


Meet our experts

  • Krzysztof Romanowski

    Krzysztof Romanowski

    Head of Dev Tooling
  • Paweł Marks

    Paweł Marks

    Senior Tooling Developer
  • Wojciech Mazur

    Wojciech Mazur

    Tooling Software Developer

Take the first step to a sustained competitive edge for your business

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VirtusLab's work has met the mark several times over, and their latest project is no exception. The team is efficient, hard-working, and trustworthy. Customers can expect a proactive team that drives results.

Stephen Rooke
Stephen RookeDirector of Software Development @ Extreme Reach

VirtusLab's engineers are truly Strapi extensions experts. Their knowledge and expertise in the area of Strapi plugins gave us the opportunity to lift our multi-brand CMS implementation to a different level.

facile logo
Leonardo PoddaEngineering Manager @ Facile.it

VirtusLab has been an incredible partner since the early development of Scala 3, essential to a mature and stable Scala 3 ecosystem.

Martin OderskyHead of Programming Research Group @ EPFL

The VirtusLab team's in-depth knowledge, understanding, and experience of technology have been invaluable to us in developing our product. The team is professional and delivers on time – we greatly appreciated this efficiency when working with them.

Michael GrantDirector of Development @ Cyber Sec Company